Nombre de messages : 1398 Age : 36 Localisation : Montpellier // Rhodes (Lorraine) Date d'inscription : 10/04/2005
Sujet: portrait de famille Ven 8 Déc - 23:05
alors ça c'est enorme surtout la seconde image ....
commentaire sur l'image: I was mostly inspired by TLK promotional art, the old VHS cover and such things, and wanted to draw some kind of group pic. But there wasn't enough room to put everybody I wanted in the picture, and I got bored when I was supposed to do the background, so it's a bit unfinished.
LionsAtPrideRockContinued.jpg kept bugging me how close to the edge of the Priderock they're all packed. I can't draw anything serious. :p